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With streaming demonstrating time and again that there are “riches in the niches” and the advantages of developing the agility to pinpoint narrower markets and superserve them with targeted content, 广播公司如何从学习像主播一样思考中获益, 他们可以采取什么策略来利用这种思维? Rob Dillon,数字产品主管, Straight Arrow NewsMichael Nagle,流媒体总经理 Gannett/USA Today本·拉特纳,新闻技术总监, Boston 25 NewsEric Bergner, Manatt Digital and Technology Transactions合伙人, Manatt, Phelps & PhillipsJohan Bolin,媒体首席商务官 & Broadcast, Agile Content高级生产技术高级总监科里·史密斯, CBS Sports Digital, Paramount,在流媒体连接2023最近的一个小组中提供了他们的见解.

“传统上,广播公司必须为所有人服务,”狄龙说. “他们必须成为所有人的一切. 然而,许多成功的快速渠道正在“细分”. 广播公司真的准备好“细分市场”了吗,以及他们能从已经成功的人身上学到什么?”

内格尔说:“我认为,对于《百家乐软件》,我们不认为自己纯粹是一回事. And it's a challenge when you have platforms that purely section things off from a genre standpoint because sometimes we're news, sometimes we're lifestyle, 有时我们是娱乐. And I think viewers aren't necessarily looking for something in a single lane unless they're watching a sports event or unless there's a major news event. I think it's important for programmers to have that flexibility and for the technology to lend itself to that flexibility because that’s where the advertising dollars are. I've heard everything from sports and news are the hottest to they're the hardest to sell to advertisers. 我认为这对品牌来说很重要, programmers -- no matter what side of the lens or the screen you're on -- to have the flexibility to be as many things to as many people as you can.”

拉特纳指出,技术已经进步, 它的成本已经降低到“你可以制作更高质量的内容”的程度, 在某些情况下,只是使用电脑和手机,” he says. “Cloud services…there's all these things where you can create what looks like traditional broadcast programming. So I think that's a way that some of the traditional broadcasters need to think in order to be able to hit more of these small lanes so they can [reach] everyone.”

Bergner highlights the flexibility of digital platforms regarding the ease of targeting specific viewers. “这是数字化的美妙之处之一,”他说. “You can use whatever metadata you want to make your content searchable in the way that you want it. 所以如果你觉得自己跨越了多种类型, then you can code your content accordingly and pull in viewers who are looking for different things, 然而,他们最终还是在同一个地方.”

Bolin speculates, “广播公司可以从成功的互联网服务中学到什么? 因为在一天结束的时候, the internet has brought us some things that very few -- if any other technologies -- have ever done, 一个是即时的全球影响力, the other is interactivity.他认为,尽管存在成本问题, generating a more personalized experience and introducing interactivity with users is ultimately highly valuable. “我们应该考虑如何利用互联网重新定义产品,”他表示. “You need to use different tools and different pieces and put them together [in] more [of an] internet-style service and try to engage the user.”

Corey Smith emphasizes that the one lingering major issue is legal hurdles to equally distributing content worldwide. “那些试图通过内容和渠道赚钱的人, 它们仍然受到版权所有者的限制,” he says. “So there's still this stranglehold in geofencing happening where it's not really an evolved platform where you have broader global reach because [in] a lot of those markets now you're walking on different rights holders, 就像你在线性世界里看到的那样. So until we can evolve that as a new business model where my rights and my broadcasts from the North American standpoint can reach into Europe and South America and Africa, etc.我们可以让内容真正地传播出去. 有很多钱可以赚, 但事实是,我们仍然停留在这个指定市场区域(DMA)技术上.”

Nagle reiterates the importance of the points that Bolin brought up regarding looking at the internet as an example of ways to broaden audience reach and interactivity. “One of the things that USA Today has been trying to do is really bring a similar experience to our streaming channels as our readers have enjoyed online and in the physical newspaper using QR codes,” he says. “如果人们希望他们的新闻以时事通讯的形式发送到他们的电子邮件收件箱, 他们可以用手机扫描我们屏幕上的二维码. 我们在屏幕底部播放头条新闻. 我们正在拍摄当地报纸上的视频故事. 我们在美国有200多家地方报纸. 他们是当地市场的嵌入式记者. The reason we believe our news is unique is because the people telling those stories are part of the communities where those stories are taking place. And I think that personalization and that ability to curate that Johan [Bolin] is mentioning…that's spot on. 搜索,发现,如何讲故事,以及在屏幕上向观众展示新产品.”

在下一篇文章中了解有关流媒体行业主题的更多信息 流媒体连接将于2023年11月实现.

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